The primary object of Rotary International is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise. In doing so, Rotary seeks to achieve the following objectives:
Development of Acquaintance as an Opportunity for Service: Encouraging the development of friendships and professional relationships that can be leveraged to perform service and foster goodwill.
High Ethical Standards in Business and Professions: Promoting and maintaining high ethical standards in all professional and business practices and recognizing the worthiness of all useful occupations.
Application of the Ideal of Service in Personal, Business, and Community Life: Encouraging members to apply the ideal of service in their personal, business, and community lives.
Advancement of International Understanding, Goodwill, and Peace: Promoting international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a worldwide fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service.
These objectives collectively guide Rotarians in their efforts to contribute positively to society through various service projects and initiatives, both locally and globally.